Hundreds, if not thousands, of photographs of the Dovestone area, are already scattered throughout the Internet together with a good deal of information – some of it incorrect. There is a need for the facts about Dovestones to be recorded and open to public viewing in one place. There is also a distinct lack of recognition of the remarkable changes that have taken place in the past. Scores of people have directly contributed such a lot to make the Dovestones what it is today. This website highlights many of these changes,
The historical facts are amazing and well worth reading. If some of the available detail and images are not recorded now they are likely to be lost forever. There is a lot of information throughout this website so please dip in here and there and view whatever interests you.
The links below give access to the four main organisations that have direct input into this region.

A beautiful reflection on Dove Stone reservoir – with kind permission of Herb Riddle
Peak District National Park
Gives coverage of all the National Park and also information of this area, including ranger-led guided walks. National Park rangers patrol here but the ranger briefing centre, opposite the main car park, is not permanently manned.
RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds)
RSPB have managed the area, in partnership with United Utilities, since 2010. This is where you’ll find out what’s happening now such as; visitor activities, guided walks, natural history etc. The site is used by many visitors especially bird watchers. RSPB also have their own wardens working in the area.
Oldham Council
Oldham Council has an informative site about Dove Stone and much of Saddleworth as well. There is also a Dove Stone walking guide leaflet that you can download.
United Utilities
United Utilities are major landowners in the area and, in partnership with the Peak District National Park and Oldham Council, have been responsible for many of the changes that have occurred at Dove Stone in the last few decades. Since 2010, United Utilities have, in partnership, leased the management of their land to the RSPB. United Utilities have a website about Dove Stone and many other reservoirs that you can visit.