Binn Green Picnic Site is situated off the A635 road about half a mile up the road from the Dove Stone turn-off. Once leased to the Peak District National Park, since 2010 it has been managed by the RSPB who installed a night barrier and parking charges.
The National Park made various improvements to the site over the last two to three decades. The major problem at the site was (and still is) the lack of any piped water supply or sewage removal. The toilets, originally situated on the lower tier were demolished and a new ‘composting’ toilet was built higher up, although not ideal they are better than the original toilets and the doors are wide enough for wheelchairs – although there is no direct access from the site for wheelchairs. However, there is viewing platform with views across to Dove Stone quarry etc. An original bench seat was installed in the 1990s but the platform has been enhanced by the RSPB together with a new bench.
Other improvements were the construction and maintenance of a flight of steps leading from the picnic site to the pedestrian access below (a private road with no vehicular access for the public) which leads to the reservoirs and open countryside. The actual car parking surface was regularly upgraded and maintained.

Binn Green picnic site off the A635, Holmfirth Road

Circa mid-1980s – race in progress

As it is now – 2016

Binn Green composting toilets

The viewing area in Binn Green picnic site

The lower level toilets as they once were. These were quite bad as there was no water supply and they were flushed with collected rainwater. The building was also a meeting place for some odd characters – I’ll not expand on that, but just to say the female cleaner once clouted one of them with her broom.

Composting toilets under construction

Composting toilets today – 2016

Rocks at Binn Green Picnic Site

National Park rangers, Andy Valentine and Tony Hood cleaning up yellow paint graffiti in 1997 at Binn Green using a pressure water pump.